See what we are all about!

We exist to share the compassion of Jesus and teach people how to win in life no matter what.

Who We Are
Who We Are

For starters Compassion Center Church is made up of a bunch of imperfect people doing their absolute best, to serve a perfect God and be as CHRIST L-I-K-E as possible. So you should fit right in. To make a long story short Compassion Center Church started as means to an end and driven by one goal, wanting to see people from every walk of life experience a true, life-changing relationship with Jesus. After five years of hosting bible studies and church service at the High Desert Homeless Services. Residents would have to leave the shelter after 90 days no longer having a place to worship creating a problem that required an answer. How can we continue to provide ministry beyond the walls of the shelter? So we took the church outside the walls of the shelter where we could continue to help people win from all walks of life no matter what.
